Earthbound Update


This week will need extra coffee and there MIGHT be wine, at some point.

I THOUGHT I was done editing my paranormal romance, Earthbound, but then I decided to double check some facts and bring in some more details. This led me to the realization that some major plot points in the very beginning need to be changed. My main character may even need to be relocated geographically. Oops. I’ll get there, but it may take another week.

Earthbound: Ally is a veterinarian and a raptor rehabilitator with healing hands. She loves what she does and she’s good at it, but otherwise she keeps to herself high on her Upstate New York hill. Ally has secrets that she hasn’t even shared with her best friend. Then she is called to take on the rehabilitation of a raptor by the Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Health Center at Cornell University. There she meets Matthew Blake. He has quite a few secrets of his own, and some of them are about Ally.


Poem: Two Dollars

The Friday poem.


Weekly Update: Edward Dougherty’s 10048


There’s not much to report this week, though I feel like I’ve accomplished a good bit – submitted all the short stories I have ready to possible places of publication and I’m within 30 pages of finishing the edit on my paranormal romance, Earthbound.
So, I thought I’d offer another writer’s words. Fellow author Edward Dougherty is releasing his book, 10048, a collection of poems about 9/11. I’ve only been privileged to read a few but they’ve been an elegaic remembrance and exploration of a defining event in our history.
You can read more about it and some of his poems here –

Poem: A Fault in our Perception

The Friday poem.



Winter is the time for Publishing Goals


The holidays are finally over and I’m feeling a return to sanity and my publishing goals.

Admittedly, I haven’t done much of anything since the pictured book signing with fellow authors Joseph Crance, Judy Janowski, and Richard Nurse, at an antique store. Yesterday I finally began submitting one of my short stories to a possible publishing platform again daily. I’m also determined to finish a line by line edit on my paranormal romance, Earthbound, and get it out to beta readers by the end of this coming weekend.

Winter is here with frigid temperatures and the house only gets above sixty-two degrees when there’s a fire in the woodstove, but the sunlight is returning so I sat in the sun and edited this weekend. We have goals and we know how to make them happen.

Poem: Coincidences?

The Friday poem.


The Artist’s Way and Coincidences



The year has not begun well for writing, (though I did manage a couple short poems while I was up with my daughter during the night last night,) so I thought I’d talk about something tangentially related – The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.

I picked up my old copy of the book this weekend to teach a little intro on it at my library. I pulled three sticky notes out of it. One was about a novel I’m working on editing, one was about the book itself and one was a bit of a shock. It was about the diagnosis of a friend who passed away just before Christmas. The note was roughly four years old. I had spoken at his memorial service exactly one week before.

I’ve always taken such coincidences as sign posts in the road, saying that I am where I am supposed to be, doing what I am supposed to be doing. As my friend says in his memoir, Cancer Just Is, not everything happens for a reason. But do “some” things happen for a reason? Sometimes I think yes and sometimes I think no.

I first bought a copy of The Artist’s Way in my early twenties and read through it but it didn’t really speak to me. Nearly a decade ago, when I was starting to seriously write, I took the book off my shelf and opened it again.  I didn’t remember it but as I browsed through it, it occurred to me that I could do this as a course, since I couldn’t afford to take any writing courses at the time.

I started reading one chapter every Sunday night. I would now say that this is one of the three books that changed my life the most. It opened me up to writing in a way that nothing ever had. It taught me a lot about myself. It also got me writing every single day.

One of the great things about this book is that it is not just for “artists” but rather for anyone who wants to be more creative in their thinking. Every aspect of your life can benefit from a more creative approach – work, parenting, partnering. I highly recommend it.

Poem: I Do Not Care: A Lie

The Friday poem.


The New Year: Be Present and Choose Love

I got a new planner for 2019 that says simply “Be Here Now” on the front. That embodies my goal for the new year and will provide a good reminder, I hope.

I plan to embrace love and kindness, be present in my life where I am now, and find the joy that is available to me here. Be present and choose love. That is my goal for this year.

Of course, there are other things that I want to accomplish. However, they are smaller goals that I’ve already been working on and will continue to work on, like selling my writing and organizing my house. But I don’t want to become so obsessed with those goals that I lose sight of the big goal – be present and choose love.

Here’s to a new year!