Writing Inspiration



I decided that on Tuesdays, I would share something about what has influenced me as a writer. (Of course, I’ve already missed that mark and slid into Tueswedthursday, but that’s what happens when you have a day off from work.)

Where to start? Everything influences me. Someone once asked me, “Where do you get your ideas for writing?”

The truth is . . . EVERYWHERE!

Every book I read, every news article I see, every interaction I have in the library where I work may spark an idea for me and start my brain off down some rabbit hole – scaffolding onto old knowledge, combining thoughts and ideas into something new.

It’s how I process the world.

I saw a book dedication on Pinterest recently that said it was to everyone who thought the author was writing about them. It’s much more tangential for me, I’m not usually writing memoir, and my perception of any one event or person probably would probably not be recognizable to someone else but . . . “Life is strange, and so we write.”

Tornado Dream

I tend to find that when I am struggling with something emotionally, if I don’t talk about it out loud, or try to deny my fear, it invariably ends up in my dreams. Well, back in 2011, at the end of May, a tornado struck our house when I was home alone with our one-year-old daughter. It took me quite a while to write about it. This is one of the things that came out of it, a dream that I had afterwards.


A Sanctuary Built of Words in Art Show

The framed version of A Sanctuary Built of Words has been submitted to The ARTS of the Southern Finger Lakes for the Spring member show that starts this Friday in Corning, New York. I’m pleased I got that far. Now to finish the book so it can be there for sale too!


Cover art for A Sanctuary Built of Words!

Finally! Cover for the forthcoming book . . .

What if sanctuary isn’t always a physical place?

Sometimes it’s located in our heads and sometimes

sanctuary can be found in the stories we share . . .
