Poem: White Koi Haiku

White koi fish swims, turns,

seems to return my regard.

What does she see, or perceive?



Artist’s Statement


I’ve been working on my application for a Sustainable Arts individual award. Here’s my artist’s statement, so far.

Artist’s Statement: For me, writing is a way to reach out and connect with others and, hopefully, to help them feel connected. I believe that the connection which writing and reading can bring dispels the illusion of our distance and loneliness. I write because I have something to say, a story to tell, either that I think will interest someone or help them in some way. I write for others but, even more so, I write for myself. I use my writing to explore ideas and situations, to exorcise my demons, to reflect upon and respond to the world around me, or to explain my thinking about a subject. I write because it’s how I make sense of the world and how I express my outrage or joy. I write, in part, because I like to write. It’s fun. I like to play with words, like some kids like to build castles with sand. I’d say that’s reason enough. It has led me to take the idea to “write the story you want to read” to heart. I know, occasionally, I write something and think – oh, that’s nice, I like that, and that’s just plain fun.

Poem: Being Wrong Can Be All Right


What does success look like for you?


I saw a meme the other day that showed Kermit the Frog in various poses and it was captioned, “Me, pondering whether my writing career is going anywhere.”

It reminded me of a book years ago that encouraged readers to define what success would look like for them individually. For me it was a husband, family home in the country (where I live) and children. I would get up and send the kids off to school and my husband to work, then write for the morning and deal with business correspondence in the afternoon.

I’m part way there.

It also included writing things that affected people positively, helped them in some way. I’ve gotten that too, but I want more of it. 🙂

A friend took my book on the road with her this past weekend to a festival where she had her own books, beaded jewelry and photography. She said no one bought a book but several people looked and took one of my business cards, so that’s hopeful.

I could live with just writing. I LOVE to write, period, full stop. I’d keep doing it if no one ever read a word I wrote again, though sharing my writing in writer’s group and online is a wonderful outlet as well.

What does success look like for you?

(Shown: Carol’s Coffee & Art Bar in Owego, NY from my favorite table in the back.)

Poem: Vacation in Mud

A Friday poem from this past week’s vacation . . .


Enjoying the Writing & Publishing Journey


I’m actually on vacation for the week but I’ve had a great past week working on promoting A Sanctuary Built of Words: Poems of Peace, Grief, and Passion.

Last week I took copies to The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes then to Card Carrying Books & Gifts in Corning. The manager of Card Carrying Books set up a reading and signing with me for Sunday, September 9th at 3 pm. I can’t wait!

Yesterday, I took a little display of books to Carol’s Coffee & Art Bar in Owego, N.Y., shown in the picture. It’s one of my favorite places to hang out and write. I stopped in at Riverow Bookshop down the line and the owner also agreed to carry some books!

If you’re in the area, I recommend checking any of these places out for fantastic artistic and literary finds.

This week I am focusing on editing my new novel, Earthbound. Allyson is a vet and raptor rehabilitator with healing in her hands who is being stalked by monsters, not fully of this world. But then, neither is she.

So much fun!

Poem: We’re not in Kansas anymore.

It’s been an interesting week. Still battling the evil bronchitis but it was pretty cool to see my book on display at the local book store, facing out, and it’s positively mind boggling to have people say, “I love the book” or “I want a copy” and willingly hand me money for it. Here’s a Friday Poem for you!


A Sanctuary Built of Words: Poems of Peace, Grief, and Passion is available through Amazon and other online booksellers.

Poem: Sammy Snuggles

A Friday poem . . .


A Sanctuary Built of Words: Poems of Peace Grief and Passion can be purchased through Amazon.com and other online booksellers.