Mrs. Bell’s Cat: A Short Tale for Halloween


Mrs. Bell’s Cat


One fall day, Mrs. Bell opened the bay windows in her sitting room as she was dusting. She didn’t notice the lithe little shadow that slipped in, slid through the doorway into the dining room and up the stairs to her guest bedroom on the second floor, where it found a nice dark closet to rest . . .

Sorry, folks. Took this one down to publish it.


NaNoWriMo 2015 Word Count Inspiration Calendar

Hi Folks – I just put together a word count/ inspiration calendar for 2015 NaNoWriMo for my writer’s group so I’ll post it here in case anyone would like a copy. The first one is a .pdf but I’ll also include it as a .jpeg in case you want to set it as the background on your computer, the way I just did. It’s a simple one this year but I hope you like it.

2015NaNoWriMoCalendar<—– .pdf file
